Monday, March 15, 2010

EceEnergy Audit - Totally Worth It!!

Well, a nice surprise met us in the mailbox today! A $5000 cheque from the Federal Government! So, we got back far more than we thought we would and not only that, but the Ontario government matches that $5000 with a cheque that should follow in about a month. Yippee!! I think our deck is easily paid for and maybe a nice patio set.

So, all my belly aching about our poor rating was not worth it. Our house seems to be quite energy efficient based on our winter heating and hydro costs, so between that and the all mighty buck, we are quite happy with our renovation choices.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Smell of Spring!

With spring in the air (almost), we are getting anxious to start up our little farm. We have been organizing some of the things in the barn setting some items aside to be included in our family yard sale, some designated to the burn pile and some being reassigned a place in our lives.

Chris has been adamant about building me a tack room in the barn, I resisted at first using the excuse of extra time and supplies needed for the project however, now that it is taking shape I am finding it to be a much needed space for some of the items that just don't fit in the house and that I don't have the heart to part with. So aside from the obvious saddles, bridles and grooming equipment, my grandfathers desk will have a new home.

Our chicken coup is also taking shape! I won the battle that earned me a larger space for our birds and put the order in for 10 Plymouth Rock laying hens and 12 White Rock meat cockerels! April 9th we should have 22 fuzzy peepers for a certain little girl to adore. We also intend to get some ducklings, but that will happen later on in the spring.

The glorious mud kept us entertained this morning and the deck piers around the house peaking through the melting snow has reminded us that we need to start making deck plans!!!!