Monday, February 22, 2010

Back Splash!

After the arduous task of selecting a back splash, we stumbled upon this amazing tile store in Barrie called Desert Tile, wow, they had a great selection and my perfect fit!! The colours pull out the flecks in the quartz countertop and cupboards. The painter is coming later this week to do touch up paint and I am finally getting to "girlifying" Hanna's room so stay tuned for pics!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Energuide Rating

Well, I am disappointed to say the least. After having gone through the EcoEnergy Audit and performing a HUGE amount of renovations, our score was lacking.

The original house scored a 69% efficiency and now we score a 75%.... not even in the "Most Efficient" category. I am not sure how foolproof the test is and what the possible variables could be for a faulty test, because I mean we have EnergyStar rated windows and doors, and the entire house is sealed with spray foam insulation, what does it take to create a thoroughly efficient home?

I think I will do a little research into this.

Monday, February 8, 2010

And This Is What We Should Have Done In The First Place!!

I wince at the cost of labour when it comes to tiling, but man oh man our guy knows his stuff. As you know, the jacuzzi originally had a painted pine tongue and groove as the surround, we never liked it and resisted but caved........ so maybe the malfunction of the tub was for the greater good, because the tile "entombment" looks awesome! It still needs grout (and I am still on the fence about that damn tile colour we chose) but it made the world of difference!

